S20 Computer vision vs human perception in remote sensing image analysis: time to move on
Arianna Traviglia, Karsten Lambers
- S20-01 Why, when and how? Context and computer vision in archaeological prospection and interpretation
Dave Cowley - S20-02 Computer vision applied to historical air photos: The registration and object detection challenge
Sebastian Zambanini, Fabian Hollaus, Robert Sablatnig - S20-03 Semi-automatic detection of charcoal kilns from airborne laser scanning data
Øivind Due Trier, Arnt-Børre Salberg, Lars Holger Pilø - S20-04 Two methods for semi-automated feature extraction from Lidar─derived DEM designed for cairn─fields and burial mounds
Benjamin Stular - S20-05 Using eCognition to improve feature recognition
Iris Caroline Kramer - S20-06 Automated detection of stone walled ruins based on support vector machine and histogram of oriented gradients
Amandine Robin, Karim Sadr - S20-07 Experiments in the automatic detection of archaeological features in remotely sensed data from Great Plains USA villages
Kenneth L Kvamme - S20-08 Down to the last Pixel: Multiband use for direct detection of Caribbean indigenous archaeology
Till Frieder Sonnemann, William Megarry, Eduardo Herrera Malatesta, Douglas Comer