
All abstracts

Abstracts in separate files for each session:

Keynote speech

S02 Using_GIS_modeling to solve real-world archaeological problems
S03 Exploring maritime spaces With digital archaeology. Modelling navigation, seascapes and coastal spaces
S04 Databases and archives: How do we handle the digital archives?
S05 Unstable futures/Potential pasts: Scenarioes for digital Computing 2020. Roundtable
S06 Computer tools for depicting shape and detail in 3D archaeologicsl models
S07 Integrating 3D photogrammetric data in the field: Challenges, implications and solutions
S08_Modelling_approaches to analyse the socio-economic context in archaeology II: Defining the limits of production
S09_Archaeological_Information_Languages and_Notations
S10_Theorising_the_Digital:_Digital Theoretical Archaeology Group (digiTAG) and the CAA
S11_Supporting researchers in the use and re-use of archaeological data: Continuing the ARIADNE thread
S12_Documentation interpretation and communication of Digital Archaeological Heritage S13_Computational_approaches_to_ancient_urbanism: Documentation, analysis and interpretation
S14_Can_you_model_that? Applications of complex systems simulation to explore the past
S15_Interpretations_from_digital_sensations? Using the digital sensory turn to Discover new Things about the past
S16_Networking_the_past: Towards the best practice in archaeological Network science
S17_The_road_not_taken: Modelling approaches to transport on local and regional scales
S19_New_technologies_and_archeology: The impact of the digital revolution
S20_Computer_vision_vs_human_perception_in Remote sensing image analysis: Time to move on
S21_Linked_pasts: Connecting islands of content
S22_Teaching_archaeology_in the digital age. UISPP official session
S23_Needles_in_the_haystack: Geophysical Methods in challenging conditions S24_Digital_rock_art_documentations, newperceptions
S25_Public_archaeology_and the use of digital platforms
S26_The_portable_XRF_revolution: Elemental analysis for all?
S27_Revealing_by_visualising: Geographical relations in cultural heritage databases

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