An exploratory use of 3D for investigating a prehistoric stratigraphic sequence
Can you analyse that? Fitting simulations to idealised outcomes for the origins of farming
A new approach for the study and presentation of an archaeological context
Digital Archaeological Dissemination: Eleniana Domus in Rome
Integrated methodologies for knowledge and valorisation of the Roman Casinum city
The building survey of Kaasan Church
A virtual reconstruction of the sun temple of Niuserra: From scans to BIM
Virtual Cilicia Project: Digital globes for communicating digital archaeological heritage
Representing Archaeological Architecture―RAA
From the largest to the smallest: The use of the latest technology in digitalization of the objects
Auralization: What can acoustics tell us about digital lived experience?
Automated heritage monitoring software prototype implementing 3D technologies
A machine learning approach for 3D shape analysis and recognition of archaeological objects
Application of Computer Vision algorithms for automatic classification of archaeological artefacts
A comparison of methods for creating 3D models of obsidian artifacts
A 3D visualisation approach to the functional study of Early Upper Palaeolithic grinding stones
From survey to 3D modeling to 3D printing: Bramante’s Nymphaeum Colonna at Genazzano
Reconstruction of Koch, Russian rowing/sailing boat of the 17th century
Experiences from the re-reading the British Memorial Project
Using Google Earth applications to enhance public engagement with cultural heritage
Rekrei: A public platform for digitally preserving lost heritage
Photomodeling and webmappingn on archeological site of Carthage
DOMUS: Cyber─archaeology and education
Sustaining community─sourcing platforms for heritage management and conservation by co-creation
Theorising the digital turn in archaeology
A plea for (non-mathematical) reason. Rethinking the use of computational methods in archaeology
Photogrammetry in archaeology: In troduction to applications and practices for novices
Lived experience and digital approaches
Epistemological considerations on image-based 3D representations
How raw is raw data?
Communication in archaeological fieldwork: Responses to a digital workflow
The lives of digital machines: Evaluating the significance of historic computing machinery
Digital interpretive technologies: A way into difficult heritage in the Middle East & Central Asia?
Being there and then: Introducing Cultural Presence in Virtual Archaeology
The apparatus of digital archaeology
A review of the use of 3D printing, touch tables and virtual environments to engage the public
A guide to good practice for archaeological network science
Exploring formal SNA approaches to funerary contexts in Early Iron Age Italy
Wine trade from Roman Crete: Onomastic─geographic network analysis
Least-Cost Networks and Network Analysis: Modelling trade relations in medieval East Central Europe
Geometrical and planar graphs in ancient iconography studies, a heuristic tool
Magnetic geophysical prospection on prehistoric iron production sites in cultivated contexts
Understanding contrast at Busayra: Geophysical surveys of an Iron Age settlement in Southwest Jordan
Opportunities and limitations of archaeological geophysical prospection on the example Uppåkra
Looking through the rocks. Geophysical research on the agora of the ancient city: Nea Paphos
A geoarchaeological approach to selected issues in Norwegian archaeological geophysical prospection
Documenting facades of Etruscan rock─cut tombs: From 3D recording to archaeological analysis
Ex-situ preservation of exposed painted rock art. Applying photogrammetry and color manipulation
Assisting detection of rock art on lichen covered surfaces using photogrammetry and 3D modelling
Obstacles and (hidden) opportunities of magnetic prospection in challenging environments
Agent-based modeling and complexity science: The next step in archaeological theory?
Simulating archaeological landscape formation to understand late Holocene population dynamics
Reinforcement learning for decision making in agent-based models
An agent-based approach to weighted decision making
The versatilist’s story of human dispersal
Examining the spatio─temporal boundaries of the Guaraní expansion into the La Plata basin
Economics and demography of the first farming expansion in the Balkans
An agent-based modeling framework for Out of Africa hypotheses
An agent-based empirical model of collective seasonal hunting
The emergence and process of formation of the La Tène cutlture settlement system in Upper Silesia
Everything seems possible: Exploring the parametric space of a simulated prehistoric scenario
Evolving hominins in HomininSpace─Genetic Algorithms and the search for the perfect Neanderthal
Content or context? Model selection of settlement growth models using entropy maximization
Why Model?
What is complexity theory and why should we care about it
Simulation as middle–range research
Models: ‘Small and elegant’ or ‘complicated but realistic’?
ABMs, because they’re worth it? Alternatives to our favourite method
Lessons already learned: Drawing from the best software practice
Proof of concept: Verifying ABM with analytical methods
Validation: The painful moment when the model meets the data
Building on expert advice to create an informed model
Model selection: What is the ‘best’ model?
A network model for the evolution of terrestrial connections in Central Italy (1175/1150─500 BC ca)
Comparison of regional and local transport networks of stone-walled structures in Gauteng Province
Testing the validity of network analysis results in research on local transport networks
The need of topographic restitution in local mobility analysis
From sea to land: Reflections on freight traffic during the Iron Age of Northeastern Iberian
Transport and trade: An energyscape model and transport network approach for trade in Roman times
Archaeology and Geohistory: building a multi-user platform in the Brussels Capital Region
GIS-based data integration for mapping paleoenvironments
Endangered archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa: The development of a spatial database
Management of raster data and their dynamic visualization within the ROCEEH─ROAD System
Vertical aspects of Stone Age distribution in Norwegian high mountains
Fancy doing some networks?
An ontology for a numismatic island with bridges to others
A Linked (Open) Data hub at the Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage: A case study
The Matrix: Connecting time and space with archaeological research questions
Linking periods: Modeling and utilizing spatio─temporal concepts in the chronOntology project
When data meets the enterprise
Where is the House of the Dwarves? Enhancing granularity in the Pleiades Gazetteer
LOD for Numismatic LAM Integration
Pelagios Commons: Decentralizing the Web of historical data