S19 New technologies and archeology : the impact of the digital revolution
Anne Moreau, Federico Nurra
- S19-01 Towards a national infrastructure for semi-automatic mapping of cultural heritage in Norway
Martin Kermit, Jarle Bauck Hamar, Øivind Due Trier - S19-02 Autonomous stereoscopic photosphere system for archaeological site virtualization
Dimitri Schreiber, Dominique Meyer, Dominique Rissolo, Falko Kuester - S19-03 Systematic literature review on automated monument detection: A remote investigation on patterns within the field of automated monument detection
Karl Hjalte Maack Raun, Duncan Paterson - S19-04 Spatial analysis of Ancient Egyptian Monuments. Case study: Late Period private funerary monuments of Thebes
Anja Wutte, Peter Ferschin, Georg Suter - S19-05 Optimization in the co-registration of large point clouds for archaeological visualization
Dominique E Meyer, Jamie Hodgkins, Fabio Negrino, Christopher E Miller, Caley M Orr, Falko Kuester, Stefano Benazzi, Marco Peresani, Julien Riel-Salvatore, David Strait, Matthias Czechowski - S19-06 3D survey for archaeology: When the solution can be a problem
Angela Bosco - S19-07 Interpolating 3d stratigraphic information from written excavation reports
Ana Predoi, Lutz Schubert, Keith Jeffery - S19-08 3d photogrammetric documentation in the archaeology of the contemporary past: Preserving the World War II landscape in North-West Sardinia (Italy)
Alessandro Panetta, Paola Derudas - S19-09 Cancelled!
- S19-10 A proposal for a collaborative Web Mapping for archaeological spatial data: OpenArcheoMap
Federico Nurra - S19-11 HumanOs Project: A nomadic osteological inventory
Rozenn Colleter, Guillaume Roy, Thierry Gaugry, Jean-Baptiste Barreau - S19-12 Using GIS to study ancient landscapes. The case study of the Pisa centuriation (Italy)
Arianna Commodari - S19-13 Discerning and explaining shape variations in Later Stone Age tanged arrowheads, South Africa
Ilan Ryan Smeyatsky, Karim Sadr, Patrick Randolph-Quinney - S19-14 Structuring data from documentary study and archives for spatial studies. Examples from funerary archeology
Jean-Philippe Chimier, Matthieu Gaultier, Isabelle Pichon
- S19-P1 From the field to the show-room : The Augmented─ Reality Kilns ExhibitiOn (ARKEO)
Alexis Gorgues, Florent Comte, Sonia Syllac - S19-P2 Roman archaeology and GIS visibility studies
Mar Zamora Merchán - S19-P3 Cancelled
- S19-P4 Why 3D printing technique is the useful tool for artifact conservation
Wuyang Shui